A sample of my latest Digital ART

25 11 2008

Photography is an ART. What happens once the photo is on your computer can be Art, or it can be a train wreck. I was look through some local CT photographers websites today and I find myself board to death looking at their portfolios. I’m not saying I am the absolute best photographer, in fact up until a few days ago I wasn’t even sure I was any good. Anyway what some, most, most people do to their photos can be easily described as dull or in some cases, awful.
Black and white, fine. But use it for a reason.
The things technology has made possible and most still play it safe. If you look at most of the close-up portraits on my website you will see beautiful girls with perfect skin. Trust me, even world famous runway models have bad skin close up. These are the things every professional photographer should be able to do.